
What is personal care?

Personal care is assistance given to elderly or infirm people who have specific physical needs and have difficulty in taking care of themselves. Your Side can help by assisting these people with everyday activities such as dressing, bathing, cooking and many more. At Your Side, we aim to support you by giving you independence with dignity and compassion

How we can assist you

Your Side can provide respectful assistance in areas such as personal grooming, showering, and dressing. We can help you get out of bed, ensure that you are safe when your showering or bathing, help you get dressed for the day and have breakfast. Personal care is available for any daily tasks you may need support in all from the comfort of your own home.

We aim to work alongside your regular routines, ensuring that support is tailored to your specific requirements. We have fully trained carers and supporters who can offer discreet and professional personal care in the way that’s most comfortable to you. Personal care is a broad term used to refer to supporting with personal hygiene and toileting, along with dressing and maintaining your personal appearance. It can cover, but is not limited to:

  • Bathing and showering, including bed-baths
  • Support with shaving
  • Applying lotions and creams as required
  • Applying makeup and hair care
  • Dressing and getting ready for bed
  • Oral hygiene
  • Helping you to the toilet
  • Foot care, especially if you are diabetic need to be extra vigilant with your feet
  • Cleaning intimate areas
  • Support moving position in bed, to stretch and prevent bed sores
  • Changing or maintaining a stoma or catheter bag, or other forms of clinical intervention

Arranging support for a loved one

Providing personal care to someone can often be difficult and stressful. It may make the carer to feel awkward and uncomfortable, especially when it involves completing tasks that are more intimate. Therefore, in these circumstances, it can be much easier for a trained professional who is accustomed to supporting personal care to step in and help. Your Side can provide a hand in helping choose someone that your loved one feels comfortable with – whether they are male, female, young or old. We can provide you with a carer who will become a regular friendly face who can offer gentle encouragement and even an extra source of support.

Quality of life

Each carer is expertly trained to provide personal care in a way that is discreet and respectful of your personal boundaries. They undertake extensive training where they learn the importance of enabling your dignity and independence at all times. Our carers can assist you with all facets of home life so you can feel your best. They help maintain and improve your quality of life with individual care plans that are tailored specifically to your needs.