What can we learn from the CHSP Data Study?
Written by Lauranne Beernaert, Sector Support Coordinator
The Department of Health engaged Deloitte to conduct a data study to understand the drivers of variation in the CHSP across states and territories, markets and consumer groups. Released in June 2021 by the Department of Health, we have summarised the findings of this 70 pages report into a 2 pages infographic. It is a great resource to understand the key patterns in the CHSP, noting that the analysis will be used by the Department to inform future policy development. You can download it here.
Note that the data used in this report are from 2018-2019.
Considerations for CHSP providers:
- Did any of the above findings resonate with your experience (role of volunteers, unmet needs, reduction of services, etc)? Is there anything that stands out?
- As part of the reforms, the Independent Hospital and Aged Care Pricing Authority’s role will be expanded and will set prices of aged care services in relation to high quality and outcomes. This has multiple implications:
- Increased financial transparency
- It is likely that the Authority will look at ‘best practice’ providers, who have high quality and outcomes records, and their actual costs to provide these services. Looking at your own pricing system and quality of services, do you think that your organization could be taken as a best practice example? What could be improved/changed?
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