Managing Subcontractors in Home Care (online workshop)
This online workshop will cover:
• Describe the requirements of the Aged Care Quality Standards in relation to sub/contractors
• Identify causes of example Aged Care Quality Standards ‘not-mets’ related to contracting
• Describe the potential risks of subcontracting clinical care delivery
• Develop a contract and terms of engagement for the delivery of high-risk clinical care
• Select and engage sub/contractors to deliver services
• Assess and monitor the performance of sub/contractor staff
• Establish communication protocols between relevant parties
Workshop trainer: David Fleming, Senior Consultant from Lorraine Poulos & Associates
Audience: Aged Care service provider managers, team leaders and home care package coordinators.
Cost: Free to attend
Register here
This workshop is brought to you by Ku-ring-gai Council and Your Side Sector Support and Development.