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In Home Aged Care: Reform Update & Strategies Webinar

14 March 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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It’s less than 18 months until the launch of the new National Home Care program. This series of webinars is an opportunity to strategically position your Home Care operations for success.
Presented by Jennene Buckley, Enkindle

In this webinar, Enkindle will provide a succinct overview of the current status of the aged care reform impacting CHSP and Home Care providers together with 10 Strategies for Reform Success, detailing immediate and medium-term strategies to be included in every organisation’s reform roadmap.

Some of the key strategic considerations that will be unpacked:
• Understanding the Drivers for success in the proposed Home Care Model
• Building a rich understanding of your current client journey
• Understanding your unit costs and efficiency
• Developing a workforce strategy that considers your current and future workforce needs
• Build a voice of a customer program that builds your brand
• Technology Considerations

Register here

Date: 14 March 2023
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Venue Name: Online