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CHSP Update – February 2020

Written by Rosanna Commisso – Home Support & Partnership Coordinator

February 2020

If you receive CHSP funding, you will have an assigned Funding Agreement Manager (FAM). Make sure that you know who your FAM is, as they are responsible for managing and measuring the performance of your organisation, and then passing on this information to the Department of Health for future funding consideration.

Your performance is based on the following 4 criteria:

  1. Outputs – are you delivering the services you are being funded for? What have you delivered based on the funds you’ve received? What is your ROI (return on investment)?
  2. Acquittals – has your organisation spent the funds appropriately & as stipulated in your Agreement? Have you been collecting client contributions as per policy?
  3. Timeliness of Reports – are all your reports submitted on time?
  4. Meeting Milestones

Based on the above, your organisation will be assigned a Risk Rating of low, medium or high, which impacts your future funding status. You want to ensure that your risk rating is low, as if you continually receive a High Risk rating, your funding may be in jeopardy & could be lost.

Please note that DEX was recently enhanced, which means that your performance is more transparent than ever.

The future of CHSP beyond 2022 is dependent on the Aged Care Royal Commission findings and recommendations. It is likely that no decision will be made until the release of the final report in November 2020.

20% of currently funded CHSP organisations received additional funding, either Growth/Boost/Reablement & Wellness. Please note that this funding may be delayed.

The DSS Department will be restructuring, which may see a change in your FAM, so keep an eye out for Department emails.

For more information, contact Rosanna.

P: 1300 134 332
